Komplikasi Diabetes Tipe 1
Type1diabetes can pose some challenges in the workplace. for example, if you work in a job that involves driving or operating heavy machinery, hypoglycemia could pose a serious risk to you and those around you. you may need to work with your doctor and your employer to ensure that certain accommodations are made, such as additional breaks for. Taking insulin is the most necessary treatment in people who have type 1 diabetes. learn about the different types of insulin, where to inject it, and the best methods for insulin delivery. explains insulin pumps, implanted insulin devices, inhaled insulin, and artificial pancreas. Diabetes tipe 1 berhubungan dengan keturunan, sementara tipe 2 disebabkan oleh gaya hidup yang kurang sehat. namun, penelitian beberapa tahun terakhir juga menunjukan kelainan fungsi hormon insulin tubuh akibat diabetes juga memengaruhi otak sehingga menyebabkan penyakit alzheimer. Diabetes melitus tipe-1 pada anak dan remaja merupakan panduan yang raga, dan memantau ...